When we went outside, the entire congregation was, in fact, standing patiently right outside the church. It turns out that the feast was for everyone, but the congregation was to eat after the clergy, and the children last.
As we prepared to leave Galana, Jennifer and Mama E talked to some of the church leaders and I took in the scenery. One thing I noticed was that there were no houses. Our first time getting stuck in the mud was directly in front of a house, and we passed a few on the way to the church. However, those were several miles away. When I mentioned that to one of the church staff members, Joyce (who had to translate) explained that Galana has no school or medical clinic, and that the people are scattered all over the country side, and no one close to anything. (I guess the American equivalent of Galana would be remote
We couldn’t stay long because the trip back was so long, and we had to err on the side of caution due to the treacherous roads. However, navigating the roads downhill proved easier than going uphill, and we got to the freeway uneventfully.
On the way back I made yet another stop at Nakumatt and bought a few things for the Enlightened Support Group.
We returned to the hotel so early I thought I’d go to the gym. That was until I realized it was as sanitary as your average latrine. Instead I went back to the room to download my photos off my camera. Unfortunately, when I tried to balance Jennifer’s converter (which weighed about two pounds) on the table so that it wouldn’t fall out of the socket, it – surprise – fell out the socket and broke. Jennifer needed the converter to juice her computer; she had missed a few of our outings studying for a course. Things did not bode well for the next couple days… (*cue horror music*)
* What to support the
Mailing Address: Community of Matuga Self Reliant Christians,
Bank Account: Likoni Friends Church-Galana Project, A/C No. 1101147600, Bank of
* One of the congregants was holding a shopping bag from the bookstore at Lakewood Church - Mama E’s home church. It turns out he had worked in
* Speaking of the weather, since we were south of the Equator, it was late spring. It was actually about 65-70°F the entire time with sporadic rainbursts and wind. Both times I’ve been to
On the way to Galana
On the way to Galana. Self portrait.
Joyce on the way to Galana…
…and Mama E
The dry riverbed. In this blurry photo, you can’t appreciate how soft the clay looks.
A view of the Galana country side, about three minutes before…
…the first time we got stuck.
A view from the first jam.
Waiting for backup.
Getting free.
Mama E cheers us on.
Inside the
The clergy. The man with his arm extended is holding the
Jennifer, Mama E and Joyce
The children’s choir
The dinner
Right after service
Joyce, me and Mama E with the congregation
The view from the top of Galana
A cattle farm in Galana. The smoke in the background is land being burned to create farms.
A church pastor, a church staff member, Mama E and me with church members.
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