Monday, December 3, 2007

November 2, 2007

I arrived in Amsterdam at 6:00 am local time, and stopped in an airport café for breakfast. I sat in the non-smoking section, and relaxed there for the first half of my six-hour layover. I looked up at one point and realized that there were about five people on my side of the café, while the smoking half was standing room only. While the Europeans were blithely smoking their cigarettes and drinking their espressos, the Americans seized the opportunity to make a spectacle of themselves – “Omigod! We can smoke – INDOORS! Can you believe it?” Seriously, is it that big of a deal? Worse, the flight directly to Seattle was packed, but my scheduled flight to Detroit has 136 empty seats. I was scared this was a bad sign. What’s going on in Detroit? I was wrong – I had a whole row to myself to sleep in.

I was delayed out of Detroit, getting to Seattle an hour late. No problem – home sweet home.

*There is an art museum in Amsterdam’s airport. It’s a great way to enjoy a layover.

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